Thursday, November 8, 2018

Little Free Library Build-the roof, re-doing the door, and the exterior finish

Hello All,

Brrr, it's getting really cold outside and it's beginning to snow so my work time was brief today. Here's today's photos:

The roof:

Someone, I'm not sure who it was, donated some black roofing paper, several strips of roofing tiles, and a box of nails to the project. As I got on the last roof panel last night, it was time to put the roof on. Here's a photo of the paper in place. I held it in place with staples and spray adhesive to hold it still while I worked on it:

Here it is with the paper trimmed and in place:

I know this looks crooked but it really is straight and it' looks very nice against the brown stain:

The door

The door I made yesterday wound up not fitting the face frame-the frame inside for the Lexan panel didn't fit the inside space of the face frame so there was about a 1/2" gap between the door and the frame. So I had to make another one. It's down stairs with red paint on it and I'll install it tomorrow.

The exterior stain

I don't have a photo of the stain on the sides of the box. It's a medium brown, transparent deck stain and it looks really nice, especially with the red door next to it. I'll have to get photos of all this tomorrow afternoon.

In the mean time, I ran a screw into my left index finger so I'll need to tend to that and get some dinner.

Stay tuned,

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