Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Little Free Library Build-interior shelves and the face frame

Hello Again,

Another productive morning-I got the interior shelves installed and the face frame made. Here's some photos of this morning's work:

The paint dried and so it was time to install the shelving and this went very well. The unit is held in place with screws and it's very strong, strong enough to hold books and it also provides a means for strengthening the cabinet:

Now for the face frame-I'm using 1 x 4" lumber for this to make the frame and the box strong:

To get the proper dimensions, I temporarily installed the remaining roof pane.It over hangs the front of the box and the face frame has to be made to accommodate this:

 After measuring and cutting the parts, I assembled it with glue and Kreg screws. The joints are tight and strong:

And here it is turned over:

Here is the frame just laid on top of the front of the box. It fits perfectly:

I'm going to attach it with wood screws and wooden dowels as this will be visible from the front:

The next project involves making the door. Again, the slope of the roof as to be accommodated so the door will open.

And I'm going to use 1x4" pine for the frame. I'll also need to figure out how to attach the lexan window so it doesn't leak water:

Well, it's freezing cold right now and I'm going inside to defrost. I'll try and return this afternoon to make the door.

Stay tuned,

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