Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hi Everyone

Well, I've had a bit of bad luck lately-I fell and injured one of my knees, I dropped a pizza wheel on one of my toes and cut it open (and I didn't even get any pizza), and of course you've all seen the photo of my thumb. And to boot all, I broke the blade on my bandsaw the other day.

I've recovered enough to go back out and do a little work in the shop. I've finished and sold the last of my bowls for this year and I finished all of the platters I needed to make (I'm sorry I didn't post photos-I forgot to take pictures). I'm also putting on tags for the items I'm donating to the Blue House Christmas sale this year and I'm getting ready to turn over the rosewood bowl for the annual raffle.

I have one last project to do-an end table for my mother in law and that will appear in my Piperooo blog. I'll let you know when I do that.

Beyond that I've been working on several other projects and I'm dead tired at the moment so I'm going to finish tagging and lay down for a while and get a little rest.

I'll be blogging about spoons and anything else that comes to mind through the end of the year so be sure and check in once in a while. There's always another adventure ahead in the wood shop.

More later,