Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Cradle Project, continued/Constructing the sides of the box

Hi I'm back,

I've made the sides of the box using my Kreg jig and it went smoothly. Here are the photos and discussion:

The Kreg jig can be used for all sorts of things and edge joining is one of them. The trick is to use the correct length of screw for the thickness of the wood you are using. Here is a table that has all that information-click here.

Here is a link to a Kreg video that shows how to do this as well:

Ok, back to my wood shop. Here is the jig that I have and underneath it are the boards I'm going to join together:

Here's the jig in place-I'm about to drill a hole in the board:

And here is a photo of the board with the holes drilled:

I drilled holes in both boards for extra strength and just so I'll sleep well tonight I added a thin layer of wood glue along the edge:

I clamped the two boards securely:

And I screwed them together:

I made both of the long sides and one of the ends and then the battery in my drill fizzled out so I stopped but this is a photo of the boards I did make:

I'll make the other end boards later tonight. I've brought everything inside so the glue will dry. Tomorrow I'll cut out the curves on the boards.

See you then,

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