Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Walnut Bowl, continued

Today has been a very busy day and amongst all the stuff on my to do list, I needed to take a look at the walnut bowl blanks that I turned earlier this summer. The older of the two blanks felt much lighter than the last time I looked at it, indicating that it had dried out quite a bit so I took it out to the garage and decided to mount it on a faceplate and turn it.

Here is a photo of the blank with the turning foot still attached. I removed it with a hammer and chisel and attached the faceplate to it.

I turned on the lathe and proceeded to smooth off the out side of the bowl and turn it round again:

The outside is cleaning up very well and the wood feels dry to the touch. Next I'll have to level off the rim of the bowl and then turn the inside of the bowl round and that is going to be a big challenge. I'll be working on this over the weekend and I'll keep you updated.

Stay tuned,

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