Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Baby Cradle project-re-designed

Hi Everyone,
Well, I'm back. After last week's debacle, I spent the rest of the afternoon that day sulking and that evening I got out my pencils and drawing stuff and re-designed the cradle.

I wanted to be able to use the wood that I had and I think I've come up with a design that does that. The cradle will still have the same dimensions but it won't have rails for rocking. Instead it will have straight rails to move it off the floor. And it will still be made out of pine.

Here's some photographs:

I'm going to use the long sides and I'm going to add a little decoration to them by adding some "wings" to the upper edge. I've made some out of pine to match and this is what they look like:

This is what the long sides will long like after I've glued everything together:

While those are gluing I'm going to reconstruct the ends out of pine and I'll talk about that in my next posting.


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