Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Hickory Serving Platter, continued-finishing and finish photos

 Hi Everyone,

Well, it's done! The finish sanding went a lot faster than I thought it would but it's sanded to 400 grit and I decided to stop at that.

After yesterday's session, there was still a lot of visible scratches in the surface and sanding it with 80 grit paper didn't really do much for it. The turning was done and I didn't want to use the turning tools to remove anymore wood but it became obvious that this was necessary or it would take a month of sanding to get it where I wanted it to be. So I got out by turning scrapers and very gently turned the surface until it was smooth.
It's been a while since I've done any turning and my hands are developing arthritis so I really didn't think I was going to be able to finish this but the wood fairies helped out and I was able to get it done.
I applied a very thin coat of polyurethane on it and then I removed it from the lathe for photo purposes. It's sitting on the coffee table in my living room.

Here's the finish photos:

This is the platter from different angles:

And here it is on my coffee table:

It's heavy and very stable an I'm happy with it's appearance. I think this one merits a signature tomorrow.


Ok, what's next-I have several projects in line. The first one is a remodel of the main bathroom in my home. That will be happening next week. And the shop needs to be cleaned out and re-organized as it's a mess. Lastly my bandsaw needs maintenance and cleaning as it's making a funny sound. 

And as I have some large turning blanks, I'll be up to something on the lathe very soon.

Thanks for dropping by-see you all soon.


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