Friday, September 25, 2020

Pine Coffee Table, continued: working on the top and bowl update

 Oh Hello All,

I am really beat today. We finally finished a 6 month total clean out of our place. We've gotten rid of old furniture, a car, old clothing, books, and assorted other stuff. I feel like I've lost 100 pounds!

I spent more time on the coffee table today, re-working the design, the colors, and other stuff. Here's today's photos:

The first thing I did was ditch the wooden frame and substituted a pipe frame. As I had the pipe and the pain in stock, this didn't cost me anything upfront. I cleaned the pipe, scrubbed it well with soap and water and then dried it in my kitchen oven. After it cooled off I sprayed a primer on it and let it dry over night. Then this morning I painted it a bright green and here's what it looks like right now:

The next thing I did was remove the bread board ends and rip them in half length-wise and attached those to each end to give the top a more finished look. I attached them with screws and covered the screw heads with oak dowels:

And now I'm in sanding mode:

I'm going to sand it some more tomorrow and then apply several coats of wood sealer. This wood is soft and it will absorb the wood stain like a sponge and leave a splotchy look to it. After that I'll be applying a coat of Minwax pilgrim pine stain and when that dries, a layer of gunstock stain.  Stay tune for all of that.

The Salad Bowl

Well, the bowl has been sitting on my dining room table and the more I look at it the more I love it. I am currently waiting for a round cutting head for the Robert Sorby-Hollow Master tool I have. I want to be able to give the interior of the bowl an absolutely fine finish. So stay tuned for that.

Ok, I'm off to sit down and rest a bit. I wish I didn't have to make dinner!


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