Sunday, July 19, 2020

Side Table Project

Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all having a good summer inspite of the pandemic. I know it is spiking in many areas of the world. Please stay safe and well.

I need a side table between two chairs in my living room. Up till now we've been using an apple crate, which is charming, but it is time for something more formal so here we go.

I am going to build a square 24" x 24" x 24" table out of pine. It will have a top made out of laminated pine boards, a second shelf below that, and best of all, it will be made out of some scrap pine leftover from the previous coffee cup shelving project.

Now normally, my furniture has been fairly simple both in the construction of the piece and in it's appearance. That is mostly a reflection of my rather limited equipment and ability. But now that I have some newer equipment I can add more detail to the things I make and hopefully make them a little more attractive.

So here goes. Here's today's photos and comments:

This is really going to be simple-here are the aprons and stretchers for the table:

Here is the table top. I'm going to be cutting that to size after I've made the frame:

Here is a photo of a leg. I made a sample to see if I could make a curved leg instead of just a simple straight leg and it turns out I can. This leg is only 12" long. The ones I'm going to make will be about 23" tall and I have a leftover 4x4 from several years ago that I'll use. 

A 4x4 is too thick and heavy for a table of this size so I'll be ripping it down to approx. 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" on the table saw.

Here's a photo of it standing up. The straight surface will face the inside of the table and the curved surface will fit the outside. More about that later.

I'm going to let the glue on the table top dry over night and tomorrow we'll see what it looks like.

Stay tuned,

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